Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Prep Camp for Seniors and ExCos

So you freshies thought we were unprepared, didn't you. Rubbish.

One week ago saw the end of a 2-day-1-night prep camp held by the ExCos and seniors in preparation for the upcoming camp - which for those of you
with goldfish memories is on the 31st of May and 1st of June. It was a camp to prepare the various station leaders and ExCos and generally those involved in the activities for the task they would be facing, as well as fine tune some aspects.

Without doubt it was one of the more fun camps that we had had. In fact we suspect that we may have had more fun than we actually had practice giving a once-over on the games and learning how to play them so that monumental cock-ups don't appear during the actual camp
. But aye, isn't that the spirit of camps? To have fun. Unless you're looking forward to an Army-style camp with 5BX at 0530h to which we can
only direct you to SP NCC just a couple of rooms down thank you very much.

Oh yes photos. To prevent the author of this blog from writing a thousand words, we took quite a number, but included be
low are those that should tickle the funny bone some. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ridiculous and/or funny moments in time that we have captured...

Girl Power

"That's Spiderman to the left...the Matrix...oh and Yi Wen and Lina punching Edwin..."

The Boss needs a drink sometimes. Vice-Prez does the Milo.

The Boss. Uhhh...

3 Musketeers

"So if I walk this way, I won't get blown up..."

Glendon thinks hard about his next move. While Yu Ren knows exactly where the bomb is.

Yiming's the only one with a smile

"So are we like, going or what?"

The group contemplates their death by chair.

Point proven: no one looks at the camera. Except Yi Wen.

Cleverly posed photo, otherwise known as random

Alex painting his tiny F-5. He's like some sort of plane fanatic we think.

Told you so.

A watered-down version of Lina

And they say three's a crowd...

Picture can't fit in frame, 'nuff said

And for those of you who can't get enough of the glorious photographs...

So that's about it for the prep camp, hope to see all of you at the actual camp this coming Saturday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Such a long day...

Actually, if you listen to James Blunt's songs very closely and pay attention, they're really quite emo in a way. That is of course you're feeling kind of depressed that day and you want some sort of company on your emo bus journey home. Oh the humanity...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Updates on our doings

As any good parent has activities lined up for their children on weekends, so have we for our members.

Except that we're not your parents.

And you're not our children.

Just our dearest members.

Anyway after much discussion and deliberation over an immensely long period of five minutes, we have come up with these programs to keep you busy and occupied during your membership here in SPAVC. Do note that these programs are only for the month of May, June and July and there are more coming up for the following months. So here's your fun list...

  • Wednesday 28.05.08 - Aeromodeling Session, Phase 2 (Structure)
  • 30th May - 1st June -- SPAVC Camp YAY!! (more details to follow)
  • Wednesday 2.07.08 - Aeromodeling Session 3, Phase 1 (Painting)
  • Wednesday 9.07.08 - Aeromodeling Session 4, Phase 2 (Simulation)
  • Wednesday 16.07.08 - Aeromodeling Session 5, Phase 2 (Simulation)
  • Wednesday 23.07.08 - Aeromodeling Session 6, Phase 2 (Electronics)
  • Wednesday 30.07.08 - Aeromodeling Session 7, Phase 2 (RealFlight! RealCrash!)

Repeat after me: SPAVC is not boring...SPAVC is not boring...SPAVC is not boring...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Freshmen Briefing 16.05.08

And thus concluded the first ever so-called "mass" briefing that the ExCos have ever held. We're not kidding, this was seriously the first time the Management has held it. We - which includes all Senior members, ExCos, sidekicks and pushovers - want to deeply thank all of you Freshmen coming down for the briefing (plus some fun on the side) after a long and tiring day at school slogging your guts out. We sincerely hope that every one of you had fun and at least made one new friend through the ice-breaking games, short as they were. Although the inevitable cockups occured (though you may have never noticed them) we soldiered on bravely under the guidance of our O Exalted Leader Edwin VII The Great and emerged victorious in the fight.

Not exactly.

Anyway enough drivel. At the briefing we took plenty of pictures and I - blog administrator - have picked the nicest ones which I think suited the event
just fine. And so, to help me not end up typing a thousand words....

Busy, busy hands

Brother and sister pair make good comperes. Brother does not make a good singer.

Guess whose

Dear god, relieve my boredom...

Hello, I am Alex and I fly planes. That's my model Cessna there.

All together now: WAH.

Totally random way of launching a plane. Alex, Glendon take note

Ooh aah, banana!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Many of you are calling for more interesting, engaging and highly arousing content. Hence, these videos have been included in a bid to seriously up the stimulating quotient.

First video you see here is of our dearest Alex flying his F-22 Raptor at Jurong West field after building it from scratch. Contrary to what Alex would have you believe, the airplane is not real but made from Depron, a sort of Styrofoam-like material. Sorry Alex, we're not easily fooled.

Second video here is of some drunk-as-crap frat boys crashing beer bottles over each others' heads, laughing maniacally the whole time while getting shot at by police. Kidding. It's actually a video of these guys flying another Depron-made plane, this time an Extra 300 which according to Glendon L. is very cheap to build and easy to control. What that means to you, basically, is that the hole in your pocket will be halved if and when you nosedive into the ground.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Briefing on 16th May for freshies

Yes we do apologize for the haughty heading but that is the truth. You have not yet attained enlightenment.

Anyhow, please do be reminded that we will be having a briefing this coming Friday at LT17A from 1730-1900. It will be a fun and totally un-boring meeting, we promise. Please do be punctual so that you can return home early and safely.

Also, do be reminded that a fee of $15 will be collected from you during the briefing and that sum will be used for camp fees, namely the camp t-shirt, food, activites and club fund. We honestly promise that that sum will be only that amount and nothing more.

Unless of course you wish to donate more.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

CCA on Wednesday

Just to keep things short, SPAVC is holding the 3rd phase of the aeromodelling sessions tomorrow at The Clubroom @ 1530h. Do turn up and there will be plenty of stuff for you to do. We know the annoucement is a little bit late but for those of you sneaking onto the Internet during lectures, we pray that you might direct your browser to this almighty site to seek The Truth.

We have spoken.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Camp reschedule

We admit that we do make goofs sometimes but this isn't one of them.

Just to let it be known, the date of the club camp might change. We do not have any exact information about the reschedule but rest assured that we will let you know about the changes the minute the Exalted Brethren a.k.a. ExCo have come to their final decision and decreed it so.

We really do hope that this does not affect your holiday trip to the Maldives or Seychelles and that you may continue to give us your support during this arduous time of coffee-drinking and decision-making so that we may continue to bring you fun-filled camps.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

CCA Drive and Wei Yao's crash

First off, a most hearty THANK YOU to everyone who has turned up for the CCA Drive and who has helped in one way or another. We want to thank all who have supported us and joined us, or have made the unbearable heat in that damn hall that little bit easier to bear. We especially want to thank Coca-Cola for providing us an oasis of Zero liquid in a desert of immense proportions and temperature.

Let's start with the big news, and it is big. After much careful counting, the number stands. We officially have 55 new members joining our wonderful and exciting community. A large number by any standard and it is a milestone for us, not so much being a big number but by being the largest number of applicants we've ever had for a CCA drive. We are no doubt very excited by this and we'll be in touch with all you 55 lucky people.

With all that excitement, we now bring you to the more serious business of helicopter crashing. Specifically, Wei Yao's helicopter crashing (Ed: I saw it all!). Best that much not be said about it because it's heartbreaking for anyone to lose a dear helicopter. He didn't actually lose it but he did lose an awful lot of stuff. Long story made short, it's not going to be flying anytime soon. Do leave your condolences at the tag board. SPAVC will accept letters, email, donations, wreaths and coffins as well.