Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Post!

Great News!
The blog's back!

Would have been back earlier, if not for our imbecilic blog administrator dragging his leaden feet and making all of us wait. Remind us to shoot him on sight.

Anyway, a quick recap of the week. Bear in mind that we're on the verge of a major event (we're not going supersonic yet, by the way) and all this stuff is leading up to it. First off was our first flight simulator session for the greenhorns. As much as they crashed so much that it made the Battle of Britain look like a passing shower, overall they did brilliantly. After much practice though they managed to fly smoothly, some going a bit further and threw their plane around the screen, which unsurprisingly crashed. But great job guys, you all did superbly for first timers.

Next up, which is tomorrow, we'll probably be having some more simulations to make you greenhorns be less green and horny and probably Alex - our resident genius and pilot extraordinaire - will be teaching you some basic electronics relating to the servos and motors and rubber bands and whatever other gizmos that make a plane fly.

And no post will be complete without some Youtube. And here it is! 3 planes flying over SP over the first time. Not exactly in formation or any particular order because we're still cadets but it's still cool. Watch it!

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