So there went Aviation Club's Development Program - which has to be said was a very disaster-ridden event. More about that crashed plane(s) later.
Firstly, those who signed up for the event got thrown fistfuls of aviation action when they arrived for the program. We had RC modelling and flying in store for them and boy did they love it. they learnt how to build chuck gliders too, like how you would if you were starting to learn to build your very first plane. And then we made them compete with one another in our very own "So You Think You Can Chuck" competition. Okay so it didn't really go by that name but you do understand right? They competed for furthest distance and longest airborne time ("what good hangtime, eh?"). No seriously, they did.
Following that they got a taste of the simulated crashes that make our simulator program so real and exciting and then it was their turn to fly for real. Obviously we had trained pilots standing by should anything befall the plane and/or pilot but seeing as we are an aviation-centered club we tried our best to think of the plane first.
Again, seeing as we're a very, er, adventurous club we like to do things that may shock the ordinary bystander. And boy do we excel. First, Alex's plane met a tree and they liked each other so much that they stayed together for a really long time despite the efforts of pitiful humans to dislodge their deathly clutches/loving embrace etc etc...
Since we do think of everything that might happen, we fortunately had planes on standby, and we flew those. Glendon's and Yiming's to be precise. To make a long story really short, Glendon's plane knocked itself cold and Yiming's plane took one last, mighty swing at the air before its motor burned itself out. So really it wasn't a very good day at the office.
Much like McCain's presidential campaign now then, really. But then again he does have his good days.
And it did end on a good tune. What happened to Alex's plane, you ask. Ah. Seeing at it is us Aviation gobs are too busy having our feet planted firmly on the ground (ironic, that) we decided to use ingenuity, intelligence and wit to get his plane out of the tree. We started throwing things at it. And rope. So much was thrown and so much tree was shaken till the leaves started falling down like so much green confetti. Looking at that we can safely say that SPAVC has saved the environment.
And here be pictures for all you who didn't understand the 7 grey patches up there...
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